There is a new book out that is worth exploring. Francesca Gino, Professor of Business at Harvard just published, "Rebel Talent: Why it Pays to Break the Rules at Work and in Life."
It is refreshing to read about others who break the roles, re-invent or change the world for better. At a time when there is so much disturbing news and divide across the country, Francesca speaks to possibility and prospering even in this turbulent world.
The rebel leader is not just about people who lead others. It is about those of us who thrive in a world of change and at times welcome discomfort. It might be more natural for us humans to accept conformity, but Francesca shares rich stories of those that know themselves and stretch the boundaries. One of her guiding principles is to encourage constructive dissent. It is really about understanding all perspectives and gaining understanding before making decisions. Her examples from Robert Kennedy to leaders at General Motors brings to life great rebels.
I so appreciated another one of her principles, which is "fostering happy accidents." One of our colleagues, Gina Codd from Edwards Lifesciences introduced the refreshing concept of "welcome surprises" at her company. Cultures that welcome idea exchange, making mistakes and enjoying what you learn from accidents is clearly a place I would want to be.
What type of rebel are you? There is an assessment that allows us to explore that and learn. Check out Francesca's book and begin to recognize that we need rebels in our work and life in order to bring about positive lasting change.
